


2007-06-04 10:10    

  106. Away from the madding crowd, many city-dwellers spend their weekends in the countryside to enjoy (peace, tranquility)。

  Peace: a very quiet and pleasant situation in which you are not interrupted

  Tranquility: pleasantly calm, quiet, and peaceful

  Away/far from the Mad-ding crowd: (1874) a novel by Thomas Hardy about people living in a country village in the west of England during Victorian times. The title of the book, which Hardy took from a famous poem by Thomas Gray, is often used as a phrase to mean the peacefulness and quietness of the country.

  107. That rickety chair (fell, collapsed) under the weight of the heavy wrestler.

  Fall: to move or drop down from a higher position to a lower position

  Collapse: if a building, wall etc collapses, it falls down suddenly, usually because it is weak or damaged

  Rickety: a rickety structure or piece of furniture is in very bad condition, and likely to break easily

  108. He (grabbed, grasped) the rope with both hands and pulled it with all his strength.

  Grab: to take hold of someone or something with a sudden or violent movement(抓取,抢夺)

  Grasp: to take and hold something firmly(抓紧)

  109. It is an excellent plan, but it would be very difficult to (execute, perform) it with our limited funds.

  Execute: to do something that has been carefully planned

  Perform: to do something, especially something difficult or useful

  110. More and more Chinese people are now (concerning, involving) themselves with the increasingly serious environmental problems.

  Concern yourself with: to become involved in something because you are interested in it or because it worries you

  Involve sb. In doing: to ask or allow someone to take part in something

  111. The only (left, remaining) question is who should be the next chairman of the committee.

  Left: if something is left, it remains after everything else has gone, been taken away, or used(只能表语)

  Remaining: the remaining people or things are those that are left when the others have gone, been used, or been dealt with

  112. The village was hit by a (vigorous, violent) storm.

  Vigorous: using a lot of energy and strength or determination

  Violent: involving actions that are intended to injure or kill people, by hitting them, shooting them etc

  113. In spite of his weakness his (rugged, dogged) determination helped him to win the race.

  Rugged: sturdy, robust, tough (looking) (健壮,结实,看上去坚强)

  Dogged: dogged behavior shows that you are very determined to continue doing something(不屈不挠的)

  114. The time between two distinct periods of history, art or literature is called a period of (transmission, transition)。

  Transmission: the process of sending out electronic signals, messages etc, using radio, television, or other similar equipment(传播,传送)

  Transition: when something changes from one form or state to another(过渡)

  115. Unaware of the truth, thousands of people gathered there, (clamoring, glamorizing) for legal recognition of their organization.

  Clamoring: to demand something loudly(大声要求,抗议)

  Glamorizing: to make something seem more attractive than it really is(贬义美化)

  116. (Accusation, condemnation) of the bombing the embassy went swiftly across the country.

  Accusation: a statement saying that someone is guilty of a crime or of doing something wrong

  Condemnation: an expression of very strong disapproval of someone or something, especially something you think is morally wrong

  117. The speaker went on reading his prepared speech without a (consciousness, conscientiousness) that the audience is already getting bored.

  Consciousness: the condition of being awake and able to understand what is happening around you

  Conscientiousness: careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do

  118. The death of their lovely daughter landed them in great (ecstasy, anguish)。

  Ecstasy: a feeling of extreme happiness

  Anguish: mental or physical suffering caused by extreme pain or worry

  119. A teacher should not be (segmental, partial) to any of his students.

  Segmental: to divide something into parts that are different from each other (部分的, 断节的)

  Partial: unfairly supporting one person or one group against another(偏袒,偏爱的)
