

2015-10-08 13:50    网络



Dialogue Communication (15%)

Directions: In this section, you will read 15 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each fol-lowed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue by. marking the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1. Dad: Could you run over to the store right away? We need a few things.


A. Yes, I could. I want to play football.

B. For me, running is not a problem. I'd like to do exercises.

C. Yes, storing a few things away is quite necessary, right?

D. All right. What do you want me to get?

2. W: How does your daughter like her new school?


A. Fine. She seems to have made some new friends in no time.

B. She likes it so much that she'11 soon be reluctant to leave the school.

C. Though she likes the new school, she loves her old school much stronger.

D. Well, I'm afraid I don't know exactly.

3. Speaker A: Billy, have you heard the latest news? It appears that we won't be laid off (解雇) after all.

Speaker B :__________

A. Congratulations. We are going to get promoted.

B. Great. We are going to have a new job.

C. Oh, somehow I'm tired of working here anyway.

D. Really. We are not going to resign from our post.

4. Dancy : Hello, Fred. What's wrong with your arm?

Fred: I broke it when I was skating during the holiday.

Dancy : Oh, No ! __________

Fred: Much better, thanks.

A. What a nuisance!

B. How awful! How is it now?

C. Why was that?

D. What a trouble!

5. Speaker A: I wonder if Mary will really come at 7: 00. She said she would.

Speaker B.__________

A. You can take it easy. Mary always says what she would do.

B. You needn't be worried. Mary is an honest person.

C. Don't worry about it. Her words are as good as gold.

D. Just take it easy. Time will soon come.

6. Andy: My schedule (安排表) this afternoon is an absolute mess. Between 3:30 and 4:00 I'm supposed to be in four different places. There is no way.

Frank: I've done that before. __________?

A. Anything I can help you

B. Something I can help you

C. Anything I can help you with

D. Something I can help you with

7. Tom: Paulo, __________

Paulo: Nice to meet you.

A. I would like you to meet my friend, Alex.

B. How are you?

C. It is a nice day, isn't it?

D. It is Alex.

8. Speaker A: Excuse me, can you tell me where High Street is, please?

Speaker B :__________

A. It's quite far from here. You can't get there.

B. Not at all. It's only about 5 minutes'walk.

C. Take the second turn on the left and then ask again.

D. 1 should ask you. I'm a stranger myself.

9. Bob: It's late. I have to say goodbye.

Mrs. Black:__________

A. Why do you want to go now?

B. I'd like to say goodbye, too.

C. That's all right.

D. Hope you have a good time. See you tomorrow.

10. Lucy: Tom, would you like a drink?


A. I don't care. But thank you anyway.

B. No, thank you. I had some Coke just now.

C. Thank you. I care about what to drink.

D. Don't trouble yourself. Nobody care about it.

11. Speaker A : We'11 miss you. Have a good journey.

Speaker B.__________

A. I miss you, too.

B. How time flies.

C. Thank you for all you've done for me.

D. I'm pleased to be with you here.

12. W : You seem to have a lot of work at your office. You've always been staying late and work-ing overtime.

M: __________

A. What you say is right. But don't you know the meaning of work?

B. Yes. That's true. But don't you know the common saying: "Always work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"?

C. That's true, but it's no bother to me. The work is interesting and fun. I don't mind the ex- tra hours at all.

D. Sorry. I cannot listen to your advice. Overwork can bring me overpay, you know.

13. Speaker A: I've got a fever and a really bad headache.

Speaker B :__________

A. Why are you so careless about yourself?

B. This kind of thing happens to everyone.

C. You should take good care of yourself.

D. Oh, that's too bad. Why don't you take some aspirin?

14. W: Have you found your book yet?


A. No. But I didn't remember where I had put it.

B. No. I am not sure what I have done with it.

C. Not yet. And I'm sure I have lost it for ever.

D. Still not. It seemed to me I shall never get it back.

15. Lodger: I'm terribly sorry that I broke your precious vase. I'll pay for it.


A. Can't complain.

B. Never mind.

C. Relax yourself.

D. Take care.

答案:1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.D l0.B 11.C l2.C l3.D l4.B l5.B
