

2016-09-08 09:09    自考365整理


abandon oneself to 沉湎于

accuse sb of 指责

act on 按照……行事

adapt to 适应

add to 增添

adjust to 适应

aim at 瞄准,针对

allow for 考虑到,顾及

allow of 容许

amount to 合计,共计

answer for 对…负有责任

appeal to 诉诸

apply for sth 请求;申请

approve of 赞成,称许

approximate to 近似,接近

arise from (由…)引起,起源于

ask for 请求,要求

ask after 询问,问候

assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人[做某事]

associate with 结交,交往

attend to 注意, 留心,专注, 照顾

attribute to 把…归因于

avail oneself of 利用

ban from 禁止

base on 以…为基础

busy oneself with 忙于

bargain for/on 企图廉价获取,(通常和否定词连用)预料,指望

believe in 信仰,信任

belong to 属于

blame on/onto 把…归咎于

budget for 编预算,作安排

charge sb with 指控

compare to 将……比作

compare with/to 比较,对照

compensate sb for 因为某事向某人赔偿

comply with 遵从,服从

concentrate on/upon 专心于

condemn sb for sth 谴责某人所做的事

conform to/with 遵守,适应,顺从

congratulate on/upon 祝贺

consent to 准许,赞成

consist of 由……组成 in 存在于

contribute to/towards 有助于

convince sb of/about 使某人确信、承认

cope with (成功地)应付,(妥善地)处理

correspond with/to sth 与某事物相符合

correspond with sb 和某人通信

count on/upon 信赖、依靠、指望

credit to 把……归于

deal in 经营

deal with 处理,涉及

decide on/upon 决定,选定

depart from 背离,违背

depend on/upon 依赖,依靠

deprive of 剥夺

derive from 起源,衍生

descend from 起源于

descend on 袭击

descend to 沦为

despair of 绝望

devote to 献身于

die for 渴望,切望

direct to/at 对准,针对

discourage sb from 劝某人不要做某事

dream of/about 梦想

dream of 考虑

emerge from 浮现,出现

engage in 参加,从事于

equip with 配备,装备

excel at/in 突出,擅长

experiment on/at 进行实验,作实验

expose to 曝光

feed with 向……提供

feed on 以……为食

feel for 摸索

fish for 搜索

focus on 对准

forget about 不把……放在心上,丢开

happen to sb/sth 某人和某物出了事

head for 朝……行进

hear of/about 听说

hear from 收到……的信

hope for 期望

hunger for/after 渴求、渴望

hunt for 探求

identify with 把……等同于

impress sth on/upon sb 某事给某人留下深刻印象

inform sb of sth 将某事告诉某人

interfere with/in 干涉,介入

insist on/upon 坚决主张

inspire sth on sb 激发

inspire sb with sth

lead to 导致,通向

learn of/about 得知

lie in 在于

long for 渴望

major in 主修,专攻

mention sth to sb 对某人提及某事

minor in 兼修

mistake for 把……误认为

occur to 想到(某一主意)

participate in 参加

persist in 坚持不懈

press sb into doing sth 迫使某人做某事

prevent sb/sth from doing 防止某人、某事物做某事

pride oneself on doing 自豪地做

profit from/by 从……中得益

react against 反对,反抗

react to 对……作出反应

react on/upon 影响,起作用

react with 起化学反应

read about/of 读到

reason with sb 说服某人

refer to 说及,说到

relate to 有关

rely on/upon 依靠

remark on/upon 评论

remind sb of 提醒某人,使某人想起

remind sb about 提醒某人某事

reply to 答复,回答

respond to 反应

rest on/upon 在于,依赖

rest with sb 归于,取决于

result in 结果,导致

result from 有某事物引起

scold sb for 斥责

sentence sb to 判决,宣判

spend money/time on 将钱、时间花在某事上

spy on 监视,窥探

stare at 注视,盯住看

starve for 渴望得到

submit to 服从,忍受

succeed in doing 完成,成功

suffer from 患某种疾病

survive on 依靠某物继续生存

suspect sb of sth 就某事怀疑某人

tell one thing from another 区别

trust in 相信,信赖

tune to 调准

urge sth on/upon sb 向某人极力推荐或力陈某事

warn sb of/about 警告某人

warn sb against doing 告戒某人不要做某事

waste in 浪费

worry about 担忧,担心
