

2015-10-20 09:44    网络


1.Making suggestions and offers

1)Shall we (I) …? Shall we go and have lunch now?

2)Would you like to…? Would you like (to have) a cup of tea?

3)Suppose… Suppose we go there on foot? It's only a few minutes' walk.

4)Will…do? I'd like to have a talk with you. Shall we fix the time? Will this evening do?

5)I wonder if… I wonder if you could also call up his family.

6)Let me… Let's… Let me help you with your luggage. Let's start at eight.

7)Have… Have a smoke (a cup of tea) .

8)Why not…? Why not buy one of each kind?

9)How about…? What about…? How about (going for) a swim? What about this one?

10)(Would you) care for…? Would you care for a swim?

11)Don't you think it would be a good idea to…?

Don't you think it would be a good idea to get something to eat first?

12)I suggest you (should) do… I suggest you (should) visit the doctor first.

13)If I were you, I'd do… If I were you, I'd do something about it right away.

14)Do you mind if…? Do you mind if I ask Bob to come too?

2.Giving replies

1)To show acceptance

That would be fine (nice) .

That would suit me fine (very well) .

That is a good idea.


All right.


Yes, let's.

Yes, please.


Yes, thank you.

I'd love to.

Not in the least.

2)To decline something

I'm sorry, but…; I'm afraid I…; I'd love to, but…

No. thanks.

Well, could we (I) …?

Well, will it be all right if…?
